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Baby Milestones
For the baby's 1st year, there are significant milestones in their development.
While a baby sleeps and eats for the majority of his life during the 1st month, we do see some changes at the 1st-month milestone, then at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, and finally at their year-old milestone.
1 Month
Raises his hand to face, moves his head from side to side, is alert to sounds, recognizes faces
2 Months
Calms down when you talk to them, looks at your face, watches you, makes sounds other than crying, smiles, holds head up
4 months
Smiles on their own, can chuckle, makes sounds back to you, turns their head towards sounds that they hear, opens their mouth when they see breast or bottle
6 months
Recognizes familiar faces, laughs, likes to look at themselves in the mirror, makes squealing noises, puts things in mouth, rolls from tummy to back
9 months
Shows fear of new people, recognizes their own name, smiles and laughs, will react if they see people leave, especially parent or caregiver, makes a lot of different sounds, will lift arms up to show they want to be picked up, will bring food to their mouth, can sit without support
1 year-old
Plays games like peek-a-boo, waves goodbye, says mama or papa, understands no, puts things in a container (like a ball inside a box), pulls up to stand, will walk holding furniture, can drink from a cup
New parents will recognize that their baby shows tremendous growth between 4 and 6 months regarding what they can do. Babies will become much more active both physically and verbally. By 4 months they might be ready to try new foods, foods other than breast milk or formula.
By 6 months a baby can have 3 meals a day of solid foods in addition to milk with meals and their nighttime feeding.
By 9 months a baby can eat a variety of different foods besides milk. Finger foods are a part of their meals as they are now able to bring their hand to their mouth.
By 10-11 months a baby starts saying their first words such as mama and papa, they can pull themselves to stand, and they show interest in their environment as they are more aware of their surroundings.
The first year of a baby's life is only the beginning of the parent and child journey. Enjoy every moment of it.
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